Sunday, June 28, 2009


The "King of Pop".  Perhaps we may never know what happened on Thursday, June 25, 2009, but I'm sure we'll all remember where we were when Michael Jackson passed.

Coming back from a  meeting, I had come back to my desk to find out that Michael Jackson had been taken to a hospital in cardiac arrest.  News reports flying, no one really confirming information.  Interesting that TMZ was the website to actually break the story.  I couldn't believe it - no - I didn't want to believe until a news institution confirmed.  Finally CNN and the LA Times confirmed the unbelievable.  

Michael Jackson was an amazing talent and performer.  He transcended color, language, and age.  His music was infectious.  As a child of the 80's, his songs were the soundtrack of my life.  I can remember a moment connected to each of his songs.  His music will always be poignant.  Perhaps what made Michael Jackson more intriguing was the rare way he lived his life.  He never conformed to the norms of society.  My belief is that he never grew up. 

While watching the BET awards with its many tributes to MJ, I felt a deep sadness come over me.  I will never have an opportunity to see him perform live, and I think the reason so many people are so sad about his passing is that we feel, I FEEL, that a part of my childhood is gone because he is gone.  It's silly really, but I feel sad because of what could have been and because of what will be missed.  

I hope MJ finally finds the peace that he deserves as a human being and a creature of God.



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